Nicole Mikkelsen, Dash of Modern Ltd

Nicole Mikkelsen founded Dash of Modern Ltd during a challenging period when her family was frequently traveling between Merritt and Vancouver for their middle daughter’s cancer treatments. Before one of their trips to BC Children’s Hospital, Nicole posted on Facebook that they would be stopping at IKEA® for lunch and could pick up items for friends or family. The response was overwhelming, with numerous requests and offers to cover medical costs.

From these humble beginnings, Dash of Modern has grown from a small family endeavor into a thriving business with a full team. As a hands-on owner, Nicole dedicates most of her time to the business or with her family. When she has free time, she can often be found with her horse, her happiest place. A passionate equestrian, 

Nicole brings extensive experience in shipping and logistics, having worked for DB Schenker Logistics for 10 years before co-founding Dash of Modern Ltd. Her expertise in product sourcing, reliable shipping, and seamless project execution has been crucial to the company's reputation for excellence and reliability. Nicole's commitment to customer satisfaction and her strategic approach to logistics have been instrumental in building strong relationships with clients and ensuring timely project completion.

Bill Mikkelsen,  Dash of Modern Ltd

Bill Mikkelsen is the co-founder of Dash of Modern Ltd and brings a wealth of experience and dedication to the business. Having served with the Canadian Armed Forces for 26 years, Bill's last deployment was in Afghanistan, where he served as a platoon commander for a 21-month deployment. His military background has instilled in him an exceptional commitment to his work and business.

Since co-founding Dash of Modern Ltd, Bill has applied his meticulous planning and execution skills to the design and installation of over 1,000 IKEA kitchens. His hands-on approach and passion for excellence have been instrumental in the company’s growth and success.

Bill is also deeply passionate about his family, balancing his professional commitments with time spent with his loved ones. His dedication to both his family and his business exemplifies his unwavering work ethic and commitment to improving the lives of his clients and family alike.

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